News. End to Government Shutdown Avoids Risk of Home Sale Delays. January 22, 2018. Meland Budwick, P.A. Closes $7.5 Million Palm Beach County Bulk Condo Buy. January 9, 2018. ESG Kullen does bulk condo buy in Delray Beach. January 5, 2018. The buyers of six key lots in West Grove aren’t so mysterious after all. November 10, 2017. Bruce Berkowitz and billionaire W.R. Berkley buy Coconut Grove site. November 9, 2017. Bruce Berkowitz and billionaire W.R. Berkley buy Coconut Grove site. November 9, 2017. Billionaire, fund manager buy Coconut Grove properties out of bankruptcy. November 9, 2017. Revealed: Buyers of 6 Coconut Grove Properties in Bankruptcy Sale. November 8, 2017. Trump wants tax reform. Could it hurt South Florida real estate?. November 6, 2017. Your Contingency Fee May Be at Risk if Your Client Files for Bankruptcy. October 18, 2017. Condo bulk sale in Palm Beach goes for $18M. October 18, 2017. Hurricane Irma Drags Out Some South Florida Real Estate Deals. September 26, 2017. MRB. Contact us, Our attorneys, careers. About. Firm overview, Our Values, Community involvement, Representative matters. Pracrtice. Real Estate, Commercial Litigation, Receiverships and Assignments, Bankruptcy and Restructuring. In the News, Announcements, Film Videos. 2018 Meland, Russin, Budwick. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.